
Since picking up his first club at 10 years old, Jeff knew golf was his sport.  Born and raised in Delaware, Jeff began his journey with a successful junior golf career and then went on to attend Florida State University.  While there, he became a member of the golf team and turned professional shortly after graduation.

During his golf career, Jeff studied under David Leadbetter.  Because of this, he realized his true passion was helping others learn the game and began teaching students shortly thereafter.

Jeff taught at top golf academies across the United States and continued to hone his craft by becoming a certified David Leadbetter instructor.  Through this well-rounded training program, he learned to incorporate his philosophies and methods into teaching students of all ages and skill levels.

He loves being a part of growing the game for all generations and sharing his philosophy that one needs to understand how their own golf swing works regardless of their skill level.  Jeff wants his students to learn the “cause and effect” of what they do with their swing.  “I always try to help my students understand what they need to do, why they need to do it and most importantly, how to do it.”  Jeff firmly believes in establishing a plan to reach an individual’s personal goals and looks forward to taking the journey with them.